Media Dropout started in 2002 when a phone call was answered by Chris Tyree, on the other end of the line was the voice of a woman. Chris had won a Tama Rockstar drum set from the warped tour that he had gone to in the summer of 02. Chris who did not play the drums didn’t know what to think when he received the news, (mean while a storm of music was about to occur.)
Chris who had been playing the guitar at the time for 14 years had been in and out of bands though out the years and only meet a few outstanding musicians during the journey. However a previous band (Muddle) was where he had meet a musician by the name of William Buckly. Will and Chris hit it off right from the start, Will had been playing in a band that had broken up and they where in need of another member. Chris and Will had meet when in different bands though a mutual friend. Muddle lasted a 2 years before the loss of most of the equipment. But that is another story.

Chris soon called Will after receiving the call about the drums. Will automatically asked if Chris was up for starting a band. Well the answer in in front of you. Will and Chris soon started playing together and realizing that they had lost nothing from the last time that they had played. But they were lacking one a bassist.
Chris had been teaching a friend (Jason Howe)how to play the guitar, when the Jason found out that he had started playing again he asked what he could do to help. Joking Chris said learn the bass! Jason took the remark with a deep passion and with a fire under his ass did everything in his power to learn the bass. And in 6 months was playing with great eass.
The band then decided that it was time for a name. The three sat around thinking for days coming up with lots of names that could have been the one that stayed but in the end Media Dropout was the one that stuck. The band was soon on a path to what they hoped to be success when they lost Jason a year and a half in.

Chris and Will didn’t know what to do or where to start. So the auditions started and bass player after bass player was auditioned when a new face was brought to their attention. Brandon Tusieaunt was an acountance that had played with some former members of a band that Media Dropout had played with (Bits Off The Bottom) and decided to try out for the band. Brandon began to play and Chris and Will listened and decided to give Brandon a shot. After a month of practice and a little tune up Brandon was now a full member of Media Dropout. The band soon began working on reinstating their local status playing shows all over Missouri. Working with endless amounts of bands, And having a good time . The band story is just beginning and they would love for you to be a part of it, so please go to local shows force the cd on your friends and create the best local/global scene that you can. We love you and hope to see you all at a show.
More info at
www.zeroyouthrecords and
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